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Understanding the Benefits of Invisalign Treatment at Paget Dental Group

Aug 15, 2023
Benefits of invisalign treatment

A smile is a universal language that conveys confidence and happiness. However, many people feel self-conscious about their smile due to misaligned, crooked, or crowded teeth. Traditional metal braces have been the standard solution for decades, but advancements in dental technology have introduced a more discreet and comfortable alternative – Invisalign clear aligners.

At Paget Dental Group in Bermuda, our world-class team of dentists offers Invisalign treatment to help patients achieve their dream smile without the discomfort and visual impact of traditional braces.

Invisalign is an innovative orthodontic treatment that uses clear, removable aligners to gently shift teeth into proper alignment. In this article, we will cover the benefits of Invisalign treatment, how it works, and why it is a popular choice for patients at Paget Dental Group.


One of the significant advantages of Invisalign is aesthetics. The custom-made clear aligners are virtually invisible, making it possible for patients to straighten their teeth without the unsightly appearance of metal brackets and wires.

Many adults and teens prefer Invisalign for its discreet nature, as it allows them to undergo orthodontic treatment without compromising their professional or social life.


Another benefit of Invisalign is comfort. Aligners are made from smooth, medical-grade plastic, eliminating the discomfort caused by the sharp edges of metal braces. Additionally, Invisalign aligners are removable, allowing patients to enjoy their favorite meals and maintain their oral hygiene without any hindrances.

Although it is essential to wear the aligners for at least 20-22 hours a day to achieve the desired results, this level of flexibility is a game-changer for many patients.

How Invisalign Works

To achieve your desired smile, the Invisalign treatment process begins with a comprehensive consultation at Paget Dental Group. Our skilled dentists will assess your dental health, review your goals, and determine if you're an ideal candidate for Invisalign. Once confirmed, we'll use state-of-the-art technology to create digital impressions of your teeth, which will be the basis for your custom treatment plan.

The Invisalign system utilizes a series of clear aligners, each designed to make small, incremental adjustments to your teeth. You'll wear each set of aligners for approximately two weeks before progressing to the next set in the series. Throughout the treatment, your teeth will gradually shift into their optimal positions according to your personalized plan. Regular check-ups with your dentist at Paget Dental Group will ensure your progress stays on track, allowing for any necessary adjustments along the way.

The Invisalign Treatment Timeline

The duration of your Invisalign treatment will depend on various factors, including the complexity of your case and your commitment to wearing the aligners as prescribed. On average, Invisalign treatment takes about 12 to 18 months to complete, though some minor cases may see results in as few as six months. Your dentist at Paget Dental Group will discuss your individual timeline during your consultation, ensuring you have a clear understanding of what to expect.

It's crucial to remember that the success of your Invisalign treatment relies on your compliance with the treatment guidelines. Wearing the aligners for a minimum of 20-22 hours per day and regularly attending follow-up appointments will help achieve the desired results within the estimated timeframe. By adhering to these recommendations, you increase the likelihood of being satisfied with the outcome of your Invisalign treatment.

Caring for Your Invisalign Aligners

Maintaining proper care of your Invisalign aligners throughout the treatment is essential for both their effectiveness and your oral hygiene. Here are some useful tips for ensuring your aligners remain in optimal condition:

  • Clean Your Aligners Daily: Use a soft-bristle toothbrush and gentle, non-abrasive toothpaste to clean your aligners every morning and night. This will help remove bacteria, plaque, and any food particles that may have accumulated throughout the day.
  • Rinse after Removal: Whenever you remove your aligners, rinse them thoroughly with water. This helps prevent the build-up of bacteria and keeps your aligners looking and smelling fresh.
  • Take Care When Eating and Drinking: Always remove your aligners before eating or drinking anything other than water. Consuming food or beverages while wearing your aligners can stain them or cause damage.
  • Protect Your Aligners: When not in use, store your aligners in the provided case. This will protect them from accidental damage and keep them safe from exposure to bacteria or contaminants.
  • Stay Consistent with Your Oral Hygiene: While wearing Invisalign, it is critical to continue brushing and flossing. Since aligners fit snugly against your teeth, maintaining excellent oral hygiene is vital to prevent potential dental issues such as cavities and gum disease.

The Long-lasting Outcomes of Invisalign

The benefits of Invisalign extend far beyond the completion of your treatment. Along with straighter teeth, Invisalign provides a more comfortable and quicker treatment experience compared to traditional braces. The Invisalign treatment can also improve your overall oral health by addressing issues such as overcrowding, uneven spacing, and bite misalignments. Healthier dental habits learned during the treatment process, such as regular dental check-ups and diligent oral care, can have positive effects on your long-term dental well-being.

When the Invisalign treatment is complete, it's essential to follow your dentist's instructions on the use of retainers to maintain the new alignment of your teeth. Retainers are custom-made, removable appliances that help preserve the results achieved with Invisalign. Wearing a retainer as prescribed will ensure the longevity and success of your new smile.


Invisalign has revolutionized the world of orthodontic treatment, offering countless patients an effective and discreet option for achieving a straighter, more confident smile. At Paget Dental Group, our skilled team of Bermuda dentists is dedicated to providing you with the best possible dental care utilizing the latest techniques and technology. Our Invisalign treatment plans are customized to meet your unique needs, ensuring that the journey to your new smile is as comfortable and efficient as possible.

Whether you're an adult or teen seeking a modern solution to traditional braces, Invisalign could be the answer you've been searching for. Contact Paget Dental Group today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a smile that you'll be proud to share with the world.

Discover the benefits of Invisalign treatment and transform your smile with Paget Dental Group! Our experienced team of dentists is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality of care and exceptional results. Invisalign is a popular alternative to traditional braces, offering a virtually invisible way to straighten your teeth. Not only is Invisalign more comfortable and convenient than traditional braces, but it also typically delivers results faster. Say goodbye to metal brackets and wires and hello to a beautiful new smile. Contact us today to learn more about Invisalign treatment and to schedule your appointment.

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